Sunday, March 30, 2008


We are currently working on the newest incarnation of our mannequin, whom we rescued from an alley several years back.

When we first got her, she just kinda hung out in our house or on our patio with no real purpose. She was the yucky lady who would kinda freak people out if they had never seen her before.

Her 2nd incarnation was Mrs Zarn. You know the Zarn from Land of the Lost? Well, we covered her in glow in the dark stars. Not so much fun in the day time....but momentarily fun to look at at night when you turn the lights off.

Incarnation #3. We have just finished pulling off all of the glow in the dark stars, and have given her a coat of primer in preparation for the chalkboard paint. She will become our new home message board and artistic surface.

Yay! Pics to come!!!

1 comment:

ms. tea said...

very cool to see what you are doing here, i am going to go check out the flickr photos!